International Charter Space and Major Disasters Product ID: 1513 - English Published: 14 Oct, 2010 GLIDE: FL-2010-000194-VNM FootPrint (Lat x Long, WSG84 Geographic, decimal degrees) TopLeft: 20 x 102 BottomRight: 10 x 110 | |
UNOSAT_VNM_FL2010_TRMM-7-12OCT2010_v2_HR.pdf (880.4Kb) | |
This map illustrates estimated total rainfall accumulation for Vietnam. This total estimate was derived from the Tropical Rainfall Monitoring Mission(TRMM) precipitation dataset at a spatial resolution of approximately 25km for this region, and covers the dates from 7 -12 October 2010. It is possible that precipitation levels may have been underestimated for local areas, and is not a substitute for ground station measurements. The mean average rainfall totals by district have also been calculated and displayed in the inset map and associated table. This rainfall estimate is a preliminary result & has not yet been validated in the field. | |
Flood Analysis: UNOSAT Rainfall Data: TRMM (NASA) Resolution: 0.25 deg Date Series: 7 - 10 October 2010 Other GIS Data: GIST, USGS, ESRI, GEBCO Map Production: UNOSAT (14 October 2010) Projection UTM: Zone 48 North Datum: WGS 1984 |