MapWindow GIS Application

MapWindow GIS desktop application is a free, open source, standards-based standalone software package that you can use to view and edit GIS data in many file formats. The software includes plug-ins for various geoprocessing tasks (e.g. buffer, merge, etc.), watershed delineation, accessing online data sources, and an experimental geodatabase plug-in.

The attribute table editor can be used to write simple queries, and there is a complete scripting editor that allows you to write and run scripts in VB.NET and C# directly in the MapWindow program. Download MapWindow GIS if you need a simple map viewer, or if you want to write your own custom plug-ins to distribute to other users. You can even write your own plug-ins and then sell them to others while giving them the MapWindow GIS application for free! The installer includes sample data and is compatible with Windows 98 and up. Source code can be downloaded using our SVN code repository.
  • MapWindow45RC.exe (31.2 MB - December 13 2007.)
    (Beta) MapWindow GIS application installation - release candidate version 4.5. (54256 downloads)
  • MapWindow44SR.exe (31.4 MB - September 03 2007.)
    Full MapWindow GIS application installation - stable release version 4.4. (26139 downloads)
  • MapWindow45CFInstall.exe (19.2 MB - December 13 2007.)
    Redistributable installer (release candidate 4.5) for use with plugin-based applications. Useful command-line arguments: /verysilent or /silent (13783 downloads)
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