Web-GIS based urban planning and information system

GIS can prove to be an effective decision-making and a planning tool in the area of Urban Development. Applications like per capita analysis, road network monitoring, health and sanitation improvement, industrial belt development, park improvement, mass education and literacy rate monitoring, drainage system monitoring and many other developments related planning can be done with the help of GIS. Geographical Information Systems assist the decision makers in planning, implementation, monitoring and assessing impacts.
CyberSWIFT has immense experience in developing most effective solutions for urban development and planning. We have had the opportunity to work with development authorities like State Urban Development Agency, Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority etc under various projects for planning and GIS system development. We also have the experience of working with about 50 municipalities in the state of West Bengal, which gives us the state of the art knowledge of the functionalities of the various tiers involved in the urban development sector, and hence provide the most user friendly and effective solutions.
Urban GIS Management
The benefit of application of GIS in urban development is large:
  • Faster decision-making
  • Efficiency increase
  • Accuracy improvement
  • Efficient asset management
  • Better resource allocation
A well-developed urban planning sector is essential for economic growth and prosperity. In order to functioning effectively any urban development authority would require having necessary access to information such as property and asset ownership, values, road networks, ward information, census data, etc. The sound access to these information increases transparency and reduces cost in the long run.
One of the most challenging factors faced by the urban development authorities are the rapid growth and development of regions. Among the myriad urbanization issues faced by the development authorities, rational and effective planning and decision-making has become of utmost priority. GIS proves to be an effective and significant tool here, which helps, in planning, coordinating, monitoring and utilizing important database regarding urban features.
nguồn: http://www.cyber-swift.com/
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